First of all kinect is a sensor for xbox that literally puts your body from head to toe inside of an invisible 3D box. this means that you could get potentially super effective virtual training.
xbox 360 Kinect sports: this game is my favorite kinect game and its filled with fun activities and sports. however the main reason i am talking about it is for the boxing part of the game. In my opinion and experience it has a lot of potential.
"why would i play kinect boxing instead of going to a real boxing gym?"
its not about substituting real person training but adding it to the training regimen.
its not about substituting real person training but adding it to the training regimen.
- It is basically like virtual interactive shadow boxing.
- you get to practice any punch you want at full power without hurting anyone.
- You are striking the air so your muscles get a new workout having to pull back full power punches.
- teaches you to always keep an eyes on the target.
- it helps to increase reaction time for blocking, countering and striking openings.
- you can train in your underwear!
- no wasting gas getting there.
- play on your own time when you are free no forced schedules.
- no fee's just log on and play.
- 100% no risk of brain injury to either opponent.
- the game requires you to rotate shoulders for haymakers so you know if you delivered a big punch.
- No ego's or other people trying to show off.
- you can choose to play with mic on or off.
- its an awesome way to top off a workout after working out at a boxing gym.
- PUNCH AS FAST AND AS HARD EVERY TIME they will never get knocked out till HP is gone so forces you to fight.
- its fun !
me playing kinect sports been level 100 forever now, gamer tag Jersm5.
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