Thursday 28 April 2011

Xbox 360 kinect sports World Records!

Kinect sports a game made for the Kinect Sensor has released world records! This means everyone with Kinect Sports and Xbox Live get a chance at setting a new world record!!

All the records are set by real people. Everyone will have their own sports and mini games they are best at, making the world records quite fun to try. Keep in mind they are quite the challenge to beat. The records are the best scores ever set by kinect users around the world. Some people might even forget they are working out while they play!

The makers of Kinect Sports post the records on their own site.


SEO tools said...

Thanks for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your further write ups thanks once again.

MrMarkovCat810 said...

On long jump my record is 11.6x yay

Unknown said...

nice job, i should post a tip for flying further ;)

theres a boost you can get in mid air in long jumps.