Tuesday 20 August 2013

Why xbox kinect could change martial arts.

First of all kinect is a sensor for xbox that literally puts your body from head to toe inside of an invisible 3D box. this means that you could get potentially super effective virtual training. xbox 360 Kinect sports: this game is my favorite kinect game and its filled with fun activities and sports. however the main reason i am talking about it is for the boxing part of the game. In my opinion and experience it has a lot of potential. "why would i play kinect boxing instead of going to a real boxing gym?"
its not about substituting real person training but adding it to the training regimen.

  1. It is basically like virtual interactive shadow boxing.
  2. you get to practice any punch you want at full power without hurting anyone.
  3. You are striking the air so your muscles get a new workout having to pull back full power punches.
  4. teaches you to always keep an eyes on the target.
  5. it helps to increase reaction time for blocking, countering and striking openings.
  6. you can train in your underwear!
  7. no wasting gas getting there.
  8. play on your own time when you are free no forced schedules.
  9. no fee's just log on and play.
  10. 100% no risk of brain injury to either opponent.
  11. the game requires you to rotate shoulders for haymakers so you know if you delivered a big punch.
  12. No ego's or other people trying to show off.
  13. you can choose to play with mic on or off.
  14. its an awesome way to top off a workout after working out at a boxing gym.
  15. PUNCH AS FAST AND AS HARD EVERY TIME they will never get knocked out till HP is gone so forces you to fight.
  16. its fun !   
me playing kinect sports been level 100 forever now, gamer tag Jersm5.

types of heavy bags what they offer/ swinging bag VS free standing.

Ali putting in work!

types of heavy bags, what they offer and swinging bag VS free standing so you know what to get.

Heavy bags are a irreplaceable tool in many martial arts and gyms for many reasons. The heavy bag offers benefits such as increasing strength, endurance, striking skills and bone density. The heavy bag comes in many forms and can be great for certain situations. The heavy bag offers a work out that no weights can compare to when it comes to practicing strikes.

Swinging bags: 

The swinging bag comes in various types and is generally hooked up to a wooden or metal beam with chains and bolts. The swinging bag is  generally the most widely used bag because the swinging offers the opportunity to dodge, counter and attack it while its moving.

Another added benefit of anchoring it to your ceiling is that you do not ruin the floors and you can easily put it up and take it down in any gym, tree branch, metal poles, rafters,wall anchors or bag stands. anything that is strong enough to wrap a chain around and hang it off. there are also many new types of anchors, a simple eye bolt might last for a while till metal fatigue strikes. i have gone trough 5 eye bolts and a large spring because the constant bobbing an dead weight induces metal fatigue. (i have a 120 pound bag sand bags)

Type A. boxing bags.
rocky marciano 100 and 200 pound bags

This bag is mainly used for boxing and thus in some cases greatly influences the design of the bag. The classic boxing bag's first half is filled with sand bags the first half and then mostly filled with less compact softer materials. In boxing there is no "hitting under the belt" so the top half is mainly used. There is a zipper on the top so you can easily adjust the weight.

Some people might not like this type of sand bag filled technique because the bottom part of the bag ends up getting very hard. this means for people who do not know or if you accidental strike the lower half (technically striking bellow the belt in boxing) then you could get hurt if you aren't use to it.

On the flip side the benefit of having compact sand on the bottom of the bag is a blessing to some. Martial artists like Kyokushin karate or shaolin practitioners regularly strike sand bags,wood and other hard surfaces. The strikes create small breaks in the effected bones struck at a extremely small level. however your body does adapt and heals the small fractures creating denser stronger bonds in the struck bone. this concept works for muscles you must "rip" them so they can heal and improve. "no pain, no gain."

Of course you can still get softer bags and i strongly recommend getting both. the softer bag can be used to practice strikes at full power. another use is using them as dead weight toss it around, take a jog with one on your shoulders, use it for ground and pound, sit on it and strike the "hard spot" for bone density fists and elbows.

Type B. kick boxing bags.

Kick boxing bags designed different to cater to a different style of martial arts. since in boxing there is no reason to strike under the belt a kick boxing bag is generally longer and thinner. The reason for this is that in kick boxing and other martial arts you can kick/knee the legs, solar plexus, floating ribs and the head. For this reason the bag has to be longer to be able to strike all targets.

These bags are generally pretty awkward when it comes to using it as ground and pound. some may be too thin or soft but of course there are tons of new types of bags coming out and already out. generally you can use it for the same uses as a boxing bag besides the compact sand part is harder to find if at all.

Type C: Wrecking balls.

The wrecking ball is a unique punching bag with its own unique uses. one of the main reasons people like to have it in the gyms is because it offers all angles to strike. Unlike a boxing or kick boxing bag one of their downfalls is how its hard to practice upper cuts and shovel hooks on a bag that is a vertical cylinder.

I love this type of bag and i also seriously recommend it to any serious boxer or anyone wanting to get killer hooks/shovel hooks/ upper cuts in all directions. it can also be used for kicks in all directions even that ladies favorite move the groin strike with the shin.


there are many new inventions for anchors sold. they are hard to find localy but easy to find online, ive gone trough about 5 eye bolts just from metal fatigue. i was also forced to remove my 120 pound bag due to excessive vibrations on the ceiling using just an eye bolt. springs can also be used to reduce the dead weight tugging.

Free standing bags:

Free standing bags are a newer version of the punching bag and offer its own unique attributes for certain situations. The free bag is basically a bag on a stick supported at the base by weight. the stick or stem in the middle usually is adjustable. the containers surrounding the stem can be filled with water, sand or rocks.

The free standing bag is generally frowned upon because once filled its extremely hard to move huge containers filled with water, sand or rocks. the plastic containers rock back and forth scratching and scuffing any surface under them. I have my free stander tucked in a corner.... there is a perfect circle worn out of the floating floor i will replace someday.

further more many, people consider them "weak" that they break easily. although it may be true since ive had one for well over 6 years and breaking it ended up being a blessing in disguise. One day i was practicing my thai clinch holding the bag with with arms and kneeing it as hard as i can. I ended up snapping the stem so anytime i hit one side it flopped over... then i had a good idea.

How to break a free stand bag and make it better then new:

If you ever purchase a free standing bag pull out the stem and  cut it right in half sine its going to happen someday anyway. 

STEP 1. find an arm full of scrap 2x4's and cut them so they fit perfectly inside the stem. find some smaller pieces to totally stuff the stem so no wood moves inside. 

STEP 2.  take the other half of the stem and put it back on lining it up to its other half.

STEP 3. secure the the top by using box tape and wraping it around the cut. you may choose to add a few nails trough it but i did not.

now you have a virtually unbreakable stem via human strikes.

Kinect sports how to beat a spammer!!

I love this game even though sometimes it can get frustrating. of course this game is not real life and there are some down sides but up sides too for boxing training. one of the up sides is that you can swing as hard as you possibly can on every punch and never ever hurt the opponent in real life.

you have no chance of ever getting any kind of head trauma but still get the full adrenaline filled work out of doing combat against other real people.

one of the main things you cannot avoid in this game is that you cant walk around so SPAM was an issue, in order to stop spam from being all powerfull, blocking was invented in kinect sports.

blocking is used to get a power up on your next punch and thus punish the opponent for punching your block.

SUPER MAN UPPER CUT xbox live kinect sports

this is some xbox live footage of me against a random player over live. It was a couple years ago but you will see at the end. this video was actually posted on RARE. inc the game makers facebook page.