Sunday 21 December 2014

UFC rigs liyoto VS CB so liyoto can retire soon.

The rigged fight between liyoto machia and CB dollaway........ a simple karate kick to the stomach and all of a sudden CB just decides to give up instantly without even a punch......... You can tell me CB hasn't taken shots to the ribs in training before... others have taken the same shots wasn't any instant knock out.

Now if you think about it lyoto is abou to turn 40 soon enough and he still didn't make it to the hall of fame. So this is the perfect way to get him a rematch PLUS a perfect way to rig the win after liyotos loss.

After all we dont want a lose to be in the hall of fame right so he almost NEEDED this win to retire at 40.

I mean really the rib bones are much larger then the bones in his foot and CB never complained about any broken ribs on twitter or anywhere else.

he just layed down and let liyoto win its rigged maybe rebok is teaching dana white how to rig fights to get the ones people really want to see........

anyways this was a massive waste of time and money for everyone just to fake a win for liyoto to make him look" amazing oh wow hes so deadly"!!! yet..... no broken bones didn't strike with the shin AND he didn't KO CB is stoppage. I guess since liyoto is going to hit the big 40 hes planning on retiring and dana knows it.

the perfect rigged fight, UFC turning into a real sport (rigged).

Sunday 16 November 2014

Bellator 131 joe Schilling knocks out Melvin Manhoef!!!

against all odds and with a 1-3 record in MMA with 3 losses to submission. its impressive to see him fight off and acutally survive melvins ground game.

I and many others knew he had the power and range it was just a matter of staying on his feet. might see joe rise to the #1 spot and im sure we will see a rematch.

Counter top water distiller the best value available to date. 2014

After seeing horrifying videos such as the one bellow demonstrating what is in the city water many people, animals and plants ingest its a no wonder why so many people are sick. You can test it for yourself boil 1L + of city water and see whats left at the bottom of the pot sizzling away once the water is all boiled off.

here is a great review with great points whats best for 1-4+ people and the long run health benefits.

Friday 17 October 2014

(part 2) Diy convert a cooking pot into a water distiller no damage or copper pipe. Part2 of 2

this one shows my yield of water.

i decided to find a way to make clean water put of city water but realized all the distillers are 200$ and up and i also didn't feel like giving up and buying pastic bottled "distilled" water who knows if it actually is.

this diy still is quite fast and can potentially be placed on a fire if you have no access to copper pipe this is the best alternative i think.

Note: water could be park water or any water found just try to avoid any gas infested areas.

(part1) Diy convert a cooking pot into a water distiller no damage or copper pipe. Part 1 of 2

i decided to find a way to make clean water put of city water but realized all the distillers are 200$ and up and i also didn't feel like giving up and buying pastic bottled "distilled" water who knows if it actually is.

this diy still is quite fast and can potentially be placed on a fire if you have no access to copper pipe this is the best alternative i think.

Note: water could be park water or any water found just try to avoid any gas infested areas.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

dangerous kinect

yes kinect can be quite danerous at times with you're limbs flying around focused on the screen.

here is a hilarious gif is it real or not???

funny gifs